Guest house Žaneta
Guest house Žaneta is situated in the village of Krásnohorské podhradie. It is a recreational location popular for its peaceful atmosphere in a picturesque countryside, with a view to the Krásna Hôrka castle.
Accommodation is provided in 2-, 3-, and 4-bedded rooms with en-suite bathroom and toilet. The rooms are further equipped with a TV set, a fridge and an electric kettle. In the garden, there is a fireplace, a bower and a children´s playground. Mountain bikes are available for free. Parking is provided in a locked yard. In the near surroundings there are two restaurants, Centrum and Železný gróf.
Price: 300 SKK / 9,96 € / bed; children up to 10: 150 SKK / 4,98 € / bed Address: Ubytovanie Žaneta,Tichá 411, 049 41 Krásnohorské Podhradie mail: web: